Carbon clean plus ozone




Carbon clean plus ozone

This engine carbon clean plus ozone purification treatment is a great offer. Clean your vehicles engine plus the vehicles interior from viruses, bugs, fungal spores, bad smells like tobacco, dog smells and many others. A truly great way to get your vehicle healthy. This is a special offer for both treatments on a car or small van. For bigger vehicles or different types of vehicles just get in touch.

What is ozone purification ?

Ozone purification treatment is something that removes bugs, smells and viruses from vehicles and small rooms. We use this in lots of buildings like training centres, holiday lets and caravans.  A really positive process during Covid 19 as this process is world health organisation approved and used in many large commercial businesses.

Why should I have engine carbon clean plus ozone done together ?

It saves time and money. We can carry out both processes at the same time. Making it easier for you. Having the engine cleaned and the inside of the vehicle cleaned makes good sense. We advise getting the carbon clean done every 6,000 miles and the ozone clean done when you think it’s required.

What smells does the ozone remove ?

Ozone purification removes various smells like smoking, food and animal smells. Some vehicles may need more than one treatment depending how bad they are . Furthermore we can remove damp and smells caused by aircon bugs to name a few. For your piece of mind this process causes no issue to animals, humans or the car. Unlike other processes that leave the vehicle wet inside this is a dry process. So to further your experience we offer extended ozone treatments while on site an no further cost to you.

How do I book this service ?

It’s simple to book online. Furthermore if when our technician get’s on site he decides that the ozone treatment is not right for your situation then you get a refund. Finally just get in touch via email or call free to find out more or book.

Ozone purification treatment


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